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Happy Birthday to Tomatocult

Pubblished bykageja

In April Tomatocult is one year. A year in which it has collected, it has translated ,in italian-english-spanish-france, all that deals with tomato. Infact Tomatocult has made of tomato the one and only protagonist in all thematic areas of the site:

- in producers area, where it is tried to make closer and more visible the relation between producer and consumer.  For this reason Tomatocult went to Spain to videointerview the major producers in Almería, as VICASOL, LUIS ANDÚJAR, C.A.S.I. and ECOSUR.

- In chef area, in which sicilian starred chef have honored tomato in a vision by author, releasing it from common aspect of its use and glorifying taste and vision. A sicilian trip started from Ragusa with the chef Francesco Cassarino, Vincenzo Candianoand Michele Spadaro, to call in the province of Ragusa, exactly in Modica with David Tamburini and in Ispica with Giovanni Giliberto. A trip that has continued in Licata whit  the chef Giuseppe Bonsignore , to arrive in Taormina with the chef Massimo Mantarro.

- In international recipes , all web recipes with and about tomato are collected all together in one space , now.  The pubblication of each content isn’t at random , buti t is always connected with the season and with the easiness of basic ingredients availability.

- In Cult Area, there is the same heart and the same spirit of international recipes area, but this time strangenesses and curiosities of tomato worldare spotlighted. To go from pratical advises on how to remove staint or how to keep sundried tomatoes, or how to break ice without salt, to those about health, as foods that look like organs that they cure, tomato suice supplies more vitamin A, green tomatoes to develop muscles better, until extravagant news like searchers are planning tomato cultivation in the space , tomatoes and cars: Ford and Heinz for sustainable materials development, Québec invented tomato wine, etc.

These  four thematic areas  are doughters of this ambitious project that, how all ambitious things, has needed a big effort, buti t has found balance in its  opposite, or the public confirmation: every week  1200 persons visit Tomatocult portal, 529 “like”, and 2700 friends on facebook. This starting point will provide incentives to offer greater number and more and more broad variety of contents.

Thanks to all and happy birthday to Tomatocult again.