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Vintage tomato found in egypt., discovered two cirio cans of a century ago

Pubblished bykageja

Vintage tomato and meat extract found in Egypt. A researchers team from Archaeological Institute of Vienna, working on two  deserted villages situated in the Egyptian area of Nubia, has discovered two cans with Cirio mark, dated about 1923, that contained, respectively, tomato extract and meat extract.

The two villages, whose edification is dated about 1895, were completely deserted in the 1930s when the area was effected by a flood due to the breaking of the British dam near Assuan. The precise place of finding is a localition called Shellal, were there was the last stop of a minor realway line built by the British in 1884 and used to military moviments, from which soldiers continued towards south using a steamboat.

In those years, Cirio campany was the official supplier of italian army, engaged in military and colonizing actions in the near  areas of Eritrea and Somalia.
“This finding is a small piece of a big history- comments Maurizio Giardini,  the President of Italian  canned food – that we will remember with a series of initiatives for the anniversary of 160 years of mark life, next year.

Source: http://www.adnkronos.com