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Expo. In July the “world week of tomato” to enhance the industry

Pubblished bykageja

“The spirit with whom it is arrived to the creation of ‘world week of tomato’ represents another important piece for the industry development, through the involvement and the cohesion of all sector actors, in order to be able to compete in global market above all relying on the quality of our tomato”. It is what declared Giovanni De Angelis, director of Anicav, national association of vegetable tinned  industrialists, and control room member of the “world week of tomato” (14-21 June) at Expo 2015, event started last April 2014 in Piacenza by Paola De Micheli, under-secretary of State at Mef, coordinator of the event, at the presence of Agricolture  Minister, Maurizio Martina.

“Tomato- affirmed  De Angelis – is and remains the real protagonist of italian cooking, being an essential ingredient to realize dishes of the excellent made in Italy, as for example pasta an pizza, recently candidated by Italy to become Unesco heritage ”.
“ It isn’t a coincidence  - explained the Anicav director – that just pizza will be celebrated at the end of “world week of tomato” ,  through the attempt of creating a pizza long as the Decuman, of 1500 metres, to exceed the actual record of 1300 metres. And if this happens it will be thanks to tomato, without it , it would be difficult to image our best mediterrean cooking”.

Source: http://agronotizie.imagelinenetwork.com