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Sun Black tomato is a precious innovation

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GMOs are more and more in theirs own, while traditional research is winning and Italy teaches it.
It shouldn’t be a new, as it has been already introduced in the market in low quantities in 2014, but dealing with Sun Black thoroughly is right. Born from the work of Tuscia University and from Santa Anna secondary school of Pisa, it isn’t a Gmo. Infact its seems are been obtained by the traditional cross technique.

And so for who, like us of Aics and most of European citazins, is against  GMOs in human food industry, the products as Sun Black represent the correct interpretation of progress through the research, led in safety with methodologies of ancient history and compatible with sustainability projects of long period.

But why has a black tomato been realized ? Why did two important universities use their knowledges  and resources for such objective? We clarify a point  immediately: only the skin is black, while the inside is that of a classical italian good tomato, so it’s red!
The black colour testifies the abundance of anthocyanins, very strong antioxidants, as for example in bilberries and in black grape. The bet was this: to add at tomato nutritional characteristics antioxidant abilities of “black skin” fruits, but in increased quantity. But the secret hides in the plant typology. Infact bilberry is consumed sporadically, while tomato is consumed daily, this will allow to take these very strong beneficial substances continuously and with adequate quantities.

“Aics, through its 131 territorial branches, 12.000 associate clubs and about 960.000 members, continues the promotion of a life model or style that is respectful to individual and to environment in which he/she lives.
In this big training and educational work, an increasing diligence in food field finds house, supporting the excellences, the traditions, the characteristics but also the innovations led with the same spirit of safety and sustainability that are essential for us” declared Andrea Nesi, environment national responsible of Aics.

“Sun Black is cultivated exclusively by “L’Orto fruttifero”, a commercial farm, based in Pisa, whose main activity regards the production and the distribution of organic and traditional farming garden plants. Aics has drawn up a cooperation protocol with them that will start immediately with the agreement of 40 associate clubs which will start a small Sun black cultivation in symbolic form (even if by a first feedback we think that it will be able to spread very quickly).
“We will wait and see, but one thing’s for sure, we will communicate the date of the first Sun black day shortly, anyway it will be in summer 2015” Nesi continues.
“We don’t exclude the possibility of founding an association for Sun Black promotion so that it becomes a symbol of anti-Gmo  and of a different and more sustainable way to which addressing the research” Nesi ends.

Source: http://www.tusciaweb.eu