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Tomato: what is and how to use it in your recipe

Pubblished bykageja

Tomato history teaches us all secrets and advices on how to select it, how to use it in cooking, how to grow it and how to include it in your recipes.

As an integral part of our daily diet, tomato is a basic ingredient in many mediterrean recipes, now. Well, we see it in our cooking every day. But what is tomato? Tomato is the fruit of a plant originating in Mexico and in Central America, originally it was a small round vegetable similar to today’s cherry tomatoes.
Indians grew it and introduced it to the first Spanish colonists. For a long time it was considered poisonous and it was seen as ornamental plant until XVIII century.

In XVI century tomato makes its entrance in Italian cooking and it was called with the name that we know that means “golden apple”. The majority of the main Made in Italy italian recipes include tomato in the list of the main ingredients, now.

How to choose the right tomato at fruit stand

We are in front of the fruit stand, we have many tomato varieties in front of you, to all appearences they are all healthy and tasty, red and juicy. Well, we don’t know which one to choose. Why risk making a mistake and buying a flawed tomato or the tomato that is inappropriate to your recipe?

It is always necessary to choose intact tomatoes, with smooth and intact skin. Firm, but a bit pliable at a little fingers pressure. Above all the right tomato must be pleasantly fragrant.
It is always necessary  to avoid soft, stained or damaged tomatoes. Infact these tomatoes are watery, not very tasty and less durable.

Tomato is eaten raw or cooked, and it offers many opportunities of use . It goes well together garlic, shallot, basil, tarragon, thyme, bay, oregano and cumin. It’s delicious with olives, peppers and aubergines. Well, a perfect ingredient for many of the recipes that we prepare in our cooking everyday.

It isn’t onlya perfect ingredient in cooking, but also an aliment with many benificial properties. Infact the red fruiti s reach of low-calorienutritive principles. Moreover the juice or the centrifugate if taken as a drink, offer great lycopene quantities to the organism, a natural antioxidant recommended to combat the risk of prostate cancers.

Well, now you know howe to choose a tomato and above all why it’s so important to eat it in our daily diet. What are you waiting  to go to the supermarket and to buy it?

Source: http://it.blastingnews.com