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From blu potato to black and white stripes tomato, shopping changes colour

Pubblished bykageja

From blu potato to black and white stripes cherry tomato to violet carrot, italian shopping changes colour and assures new and exclusive healthy and nutritional properties in a completely natural way. This is what declares Coldiretti that in Expo, in Coldiretti Pavilion , south entrance, at the beginning of the Cardo oppisite the tree of life, shows bioversity of italian agricolture with ancient species of plants unusually coloured that risked to be lost. With this initiative, opened at the presence of the national president Roberto Moncalvo, Coldiretti gives the starting signal to the gallery of “perfect food products” in their specifity, that at weekly rotation, will be protagonists in “No farmers no party” Pavilion to publicise the real Made in Italy food great variety that has been saved from uniformation thanks to italian farmers diligence.

They are products with healthy properties –Today- Coldiretti informs- it’s possible to ensure food with exclusive healthy nutritional properties, connected to their different and inusual colour in a totally natural way. Blu potatoes from Trentino, thanks to their navy blu pulp, are very reach in anthocyanins that improve the sight and that prevent cholesterol deposit in blood vessels and have a good effect if they are transformed in a funny blu purée. Red skin potatoes from Umbria – Coldiretti underlines- have an hight content of phenolic acids, famous anti-cancer substances, and of anthocyanins responsibles for red pigmentation and strong anti-oxidants, while violet ones, discovered in Gran Sasso  National Park where an ancient variety called “turchesa” for its skin colour characteristic was rediscovered and recovered, have not only many anti-oxidants, but also present an hight dry matter content, avarage consistency and granularity that make them suitable for different uses and cookings.

Violet carrot is back in fashion – “ it is spreading violet carrot reach in polyphenols, flavonoids and in particular anthocyanins, anti-oxidant substances also present in the wine, that are good for circulation. Violet carrot-Coldiretti explains- has an anthocyanins content 28 times greater than those contained in orange carrots, very important to combat free radicals action and so the ageing. There is also the black and white stripes tomato that isn’t only beautiful to see but it’s also good to the palate and for health. In fact, it’s darker than normal tomato inside because it contains more lycopene, that has a very strong anti-oxidant power, it has an hight content of all water-soluble vitamins, it’s light, mineralizing, thirst quenching, with an hight nutritional power.

Yellow tomato on the market, too – yellow tomato, from the colour of that discovered in America, and appeared in Europe at the end of 500,  is returned  on the market. Yellow colour denotes an hight b-carotene content, precursor of A vitamin that prevents problems with sight, eyes and skin and , being a natural anti-oxidant, it reinforces immune system from colds, cough and infections and it also protects cells from ageing process and from toxins harmful action and from prostate, larinx, oesophagus and stomach cancers.

Maize is multicoloured ,too- Coldiretti continues- today it can be found biancoperla  thanks to vitreous and biancoperla colouringcaryopsis, that presents superior qualitative characteristics to obtain white flour for polenta, but the polenta obtained is darker than we ever imagined.
Maize changes colour,too – there is also red coloured maize that is a source of folic acidand B1 vitamin and presents a great quantity of iron and other minerals useful in case of anaemia.

It’s particularly digestible, rich in dietary fibre and it slows sugar absorption down, contributing to mantain low glycemia levels in the blood. Grown in Trentino , a golden yellow flour is obtained from its grended hardy and vitreous  red coloured grains, that is used to make the typical polenta of Storo.
Ermes rice, with its unusual red colour – Coldiretti ends – is rich in fibres and nutrients and it has a particular arome. Thanks to its red colour it contains an excellent percentage of iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

source: http://notizie.tiscali.it