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Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed

Immagine Ricetta

Michele Spadaro

Chef Pasticceria Dipasquale



  • Tomato cocktail Bacchus
  • Syrup: 500 gs water and 500 gs I sweeten
  • Pasta of almonds: 1 kg of almonds
    and 2 kg of sugar

Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed



To skin the tomato Bacchus with warm water, do to cool for then emptying helping him to it with one digs. To prepare a syrup composed by water and sugar in equal parts and to bring him/it to ebullition.
To prepare the tomatoes previously skinned in a saucepan and to cover them with the syrup immediately deposing the all in the refrigerator for one day [...]



To skin the tomato Bacchus with warm water, do to cool for then emptying helping him to it with one digs. To prepare a syrup composed by water and sugar in equal parts and to bring him/it to ebullition.
To prepare the tomatoes previously skinned in a saucepan and to cover them with the syrup immediately deposing the all in the refrigerator for one day.
After 24 hours to drain the tomatoes cook the thin syrup to ebullition and to again cover the tomatoes
To repeat the same procedure for three consecutive days.
Done this, to leave to dry the tomatoes and to stuff with some pasta of almonds composed by almonds I sweeten syrup of glucose and aromas.





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