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Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella Tortelli tomato and mozzarella

Immagine Ricetta

Giuseppe Bonsignore

Chef di L'oste e il sacrestano
Licata (AG)



For 4 person:

  • 200 flour gr bran
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt
  • oil
  • Mozzarella 100 gr
  • 20 tomperinos
  • sugar
  • Oregano
  • Thyme

Tortelli tomato and mozzarella



Proceeded we Begin to prepare the mixture.
We Put the semolina in a casserole, put the mix in the centre of the eggs, with a drop of oil and a pinch of salt. Once lend the mixture let us put it resting for twenty minutes [...]



Proceeded we Begin to prepare the mixture.
We Put the semolina in a casserole, put the mix in the centre of the eggs, with a drop of oil and a pinch of salt. Once lend the mixture let us put it resting for twenty minutes.
In meanwhile we get away from the small cubes the mozzarella of bufala. And we cook the tomperinos in oven in 85 degrees for 50 minutes with all the ingredients.
We iron the dough in one it goes through subtle, let us create circles and we put in the centre a spoon of mozzarella we close as a tortello and - you them in a broth of tomperinos.
Cooked time revises you they fries it with oil and stalks of basil.
We prepare the dish with tortelli on the centre we furnish with tomperinos in the oven a thread of oil.

Good appetite.





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