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Tomato sauce dresses gold: the idea of the palermitan chef Alessandro Mangano

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A new variation of a classic preparation. Alessandro Mangano’s innovation promises to reconcile professional and consumers. The key is to pick the fruit when it has a color from green to gold.




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Farming tomatoes: When do we need to plant the seeds in the garden?

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Farming tomatoes is a passion, not too complex, but it is better if some guidelines are followed. Today we are here to give some useful information that can improve results when we harvest tomatoes. So let's first understand what is the best season to plant tomato seeds in the garden, highlighting where we can plant; we will focus on the phase of soil preparation, at the end we will say a number of key actions to care of the plants in order  to collect the desired fruits.




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Fruits and vegetables: yellow is beautiful, especially in summer

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The beta-carotene-rich foods protect the skin subjected to stress. Peaches, apricots, peppers, cauliflower and carrots now add tomatoes yellow and orange




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Canned tomatoes: the secrets for preparing sauces and pickled vegetables

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The National Institute of Health, in collaboration with the University of Teramo and Pavia Poison Center, has prepared a 116-page manual with rules to follow to prevent the growth of mold, bacteria and botulinum in home canning. After reviewing the general guidelines to follow to avoid serious food risks (see article), now is the time of tomato sauce, pickled vegetables and sauces.




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Tomato: full of benefits

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Belonging to the Solanaceae family, the tomato is very appreciated for its beneficial properties.




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Tomatoes, can reduce cholesterol

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Peeled tomato salad. Cherry tomatoes, beef hearts or tomato sauce. They are classic Italian food in summer and eat more willingly, knowing it is a smart food. For example, tomatoes help reduce total cholesterol, according to research by Harvard Medical School, Boston volunteer 27000 (soy also be tested against hypercholesterolemia).




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Which are the energies of the future? Tomatoes and potatoes

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Discarded vegetables can generate power, not only with biogas




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Tomato sauce with olive oil: the winning combination to raise HDL

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It is the result of a Spanish study, designed to assess cardiovascular risk factors.




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Tomato, coffee and the smell of clean clothes: they arrive fragrances inspired by natural flavorings

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Have you ever dreamed of making use of perfumes that characterize your daily life? It is now possible with "The Library of Fragrance", a collection of fragrances inspired by nature. The most outstanding? The aroma of tomato.




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Natural skin scrub with tomato

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Anyone who suffers from acne, pimples, black points, oily skin, redness, brown spots, wrinkles of expression should try this all-natural scrub that can light up the skin, tighten pores, lighten acne, remove pimples and points blacks. This recipe will be able to act as a natural anti-aging, leaving the skin soft and smooth.




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Where do the tomatoes we eat come from?

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To know where the food we eat comes from it is important to know that, for example: there is a big difference between the egg that comes from a chicken from an organic farm and from a chicken battery farm.




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Against the man's infertility, a special pill made of tomato can help.

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The lycopene is a substance that gives the red color to these vegetables. The special pill will be tested at the University 'of Sheffield, in the UK, where a team led by Allan Pacey, a leading British expert of infertility in men, is recruiting 60 male volunteers. University students and staff of the University between 18 and 30, will take part in an experiment that will last three months.




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Guarantee stamp for the Sicilian tomatoes quality

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They call it guarantee stamp. Not to be confused with some quality brands that formally are another thing. However, we are there. The difference is because this guarantee stamp is about the production of tomato so we can say that has the same characteristics as a quality brand.




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A Tomato from an Oscar, dedicated to the film “The Martian”

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Pending the Oscars, the film 'The Martian' already collects the first 'award': tomatoes. The colossal Ridley Scott it was in fact dedicated a new species of Australia's original tomato, christened 'Solanum watneyi' in honor of the hero Mark Watney, the expert in botany astronaut who manages to survive on the Red Planet thanks to his crops.




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Tomato Against Prostate Cancer

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The Prostate cancer is the most prevalent form of male malignancy. Almost a pandemic. Only in Italy are diagnosed every year from 36000 to 42000 new cases, and it is estimated that one of each 7of Italian men will develop, SOONER OR LATER, A PROSTATE CANCER!




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Tomato weaning

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The tomato is a vegetable with many benefits, it praised for its high content of lycopene, a substance with antiaging properties (and some anti-tumor studies), overflowing with vitamins, refreshing, mineralizing. Yet it is also one of the foods that more than others can cause allergic reactions, and this is why tomato is offered only from the ninth / tenth month of age.




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El tomate: un auténtico concentrado de sustancias beneficiosas

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Belonging to the family Solanaceae, the tomato is a real concentration of beneficial substances. Many of its properties are due to lycopene, a natural antioxidant antitumor.




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Health: 10 pieces of cooked tomatoes prevent prostate cancer

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According to a recent study, 10 pieces a week of cooked tomato prevent prostate cancer.




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The Tomato Piennolo becomes a cosmetic against aging

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The Tomato Piennolo, also known as the Vesuvio’s Red Gold has become a cosmetic, a facial daily cream that has special characteristics in order to make the skin smooth and polished, protecting it from aging.




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The Super Tomato that grows in the space will become soon into reality thanks to an Italian project

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An Italian project financed by ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) wants to increment the “Micro-Tom” tomato plantations in the space, without the necessity of soil and the sun light. It could be the beginning of a revolution within the agricultural sector.




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Super-tomato created to prevent cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer

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Is food able to prevent cancers? Science thinks about it. Two super tomatoes have been produced that are able to prevent a series of illnesses among them Alzheimer, diabetes and cancer.




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Red gold, tomato is worth 400 millions of euro

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Italy proves itself one among the first world producers and the absolute queen of tomato in Europe, where more than 50% of product is made in Italy.




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Mysterious sprigs grow from tomatoes bought at supermarket

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Prato, the discovery from a reader after doing shopping. Actually it should be a natural phenomenon of spontaneous growth from seems contained in the vegetable.




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The giant tomato from 'incredible vegetables' festival, the Harrogate Autumn Flower Show 2015

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Incredible photos of the giant tomato, of “Gigantomo” species, one of the product specimen showed at the Harrogate Autumn Flower Show 2015 are provided as integration of the article.




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To squeeze a tomato in the flour, a remedy to remove tan

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When summer’s over, it is possible to use milk, flour and a juicy tomato to remove tan uniformly.




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Tomato, red well-being

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Super food, vitamins supplement, natural cosmetic: tomato is a precious helathy and beauty ally. To be used for a mini-detox and for do it yourself beauty treatments.




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Tomato like estrogens: it’s a cure for menopause

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If menopause is a source of stress(mood swings, blasts, sleep disorders, osteoporosis), start drinking tomato juice. According to a recent research of Tokyo Medical University, a glass of tomato juice a day alleviates the problems in this phase of women life.




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Tomato which grows on the sidewalk

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At fruit and vegetable market , an exemple of nature adaptability that creates some wonders: a healthy plant with a good red vegetable.




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Cherry tomato: to a full of taste and precious nutrients.

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Exceptional taste, excelent keeping quality, and fruits shine, incredible beneficial qualities.




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From blu potato to black and white stripes tomato, shopping changes colour

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From blu potato to black and white stripes cherry tomato to violet carrot, italian shopping changes colour and assures new and exclusive healthy and nutritional properties in a completely natural way.




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Tomato: what is and how to use it in your recipe

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Tomato history teaches us all secrets and advices on how to select it, how to use it in cooking, how to grow it and how to include it in your recipes.




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Sun Black tomato is a precious innovation

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Sun Black , the black tomato isn’t a Gmo, but it is a product of a traditional cross technique.




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Expo. In July the “world week of tomato” to enhance the industry

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Showed in Piacenza by the Minister Martina, it will be from the14th to 21st of June. De Angelis: “Tomato is an essential ingredient for pasta and pizza”




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Vintage tomato found in egypt., discovered two cirio cans of a century ago

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Vintage tomato and meat extract found in Egypt. A researchers team from Archaeological Institute of Vienna, working on two  deserted villages situated in the Egyptian area of Nubia, has discovered two cans with Cirio mark, dated about 1923, that contained, respectively, tomato extract and meat extract.




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“SuperBio“ tomato, from a study of Pisa university to cultivated fields

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From university rooms to the production in the fields. Now, after being developed by researchers of  Agricultural, Food and Agri.environmental sciences department of  Pisa university, the "SuperBio" tomato project arrives at cultivated fields, with a nursery of 10 thousand of specimen that will become 70 thousand in 2016.




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Happy Birthday to Tomatocult

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In April Tomatocult is one year. A year in which it has collected, it has translated ,in italian-english-spanish-france, all that deals with tomato.




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How to eat tomatoes while it is running the marathon

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Kagome company, leader in japonese food sector, has given birth to a new invention that allows to eat tomatoes while it is running.




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Tomato and potato juice: eco-alternatives to icemelt salt

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By researchers green antifreeze solutions to protect the environmment and intelligent snowploughs created by a professor  of Washington State University.




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Foods look like organs that they cures

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Maybe not all know the “signatura rerum”, the way with which it is possible to recognize similarities with our organs in plants and in particular in foods.




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How to keep sun dried tomatoes

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How can sun dry tomatoes conserves be made at home ? Drying tomatoes isn’t enough, so here is how to prepare sun dried tomatoes without mistakes.




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Barcelona: a restaurant opens to eat only «bread and tomato»

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Somebody will say “it  isn’t necessary to dedicate a restaurant to it “, even if the “pa amb tomàquet” is a typical dish of catalan cooking and Balearic islands. Now, however, “bread and tomato” , this is the translation, has a place for itself.




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Tomato intolerance: diagnosis

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Tomato intolerance, and the intolerance to all those aliments and sauces that contain it, is very common among the population, it is one of the most annoying , together with lactose and brewer’s yeast intolerance.




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Why eat cooked tomatoes hurts?

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Many studies now show that the fruits and vegetables in their most natural form, ie not modified by the fire or from industrial processes of preservation, are essential to the well-being and health, food because they are "alive", rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the pure state.




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Pachino, The Tomato IGP, protagonist of Blue Line and Green Line

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Blue Line and Green Line are visiting the Pachino's tomato IGP. Were accepted by the leaders and staff of the consortium tomato of Pachino IGP, the cameras of Blue Line, in Marzamemi in the afternoon of Friday, October 31, to shoot an episode dedicated to the village with the help of ProLoco led by Nino Campisi and Walter Guarrasi.




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Tomato stains: delete as in a few steps?

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TOMATO STAIN: HOW ELIMINATION IN A FEW STEPS? - A spot of tomato can appear in various guises in our eyes in horror: it could be a spot of fresh tomato, a sauce or ketchup, for example. Let's see how to treat them - and eliminate - in a few easy steps.




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The alternative use of tomato

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The season of has officially begun tomatoes: we kick off with salads, pots of pasta to be preserved but not only! If Advanced tomatoes or if they are too ripe to be eaten there are alternative uses that surely you do not expect!




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Remedies that can prevent an ictus

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The second scientific studies, the daily commitment of tomato and raw garlic can prevent the cerebrovascular attack. There is other food that they are recommended by the experts also.




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Cold, to fight it with the seeds of tomato

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The researchers of the Rowett Institute d' Aberdeen, in the Scotland they discovered a new ingredient to impede the influence. It is about a colourless and insipid frost which is in the seeds of tomato. The remedy of the nature in one of the main diseases of season.




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Biologic Tomates: real medicine against the cardiovascular illnesses and tumours

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The biological tomatoes are able to reduce the risk of onset of cardiovascular illnesses and tumours, so it can be considered as a "functional" food-medicine.




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10 foods for hydrate the skin

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Our skin, that of the face, is exposed particularly continually to the attack of the atmospheric agents added to  the polluting substances, that every day unfortunately increases and how certain they don't improve the general picture.




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More nourishing tomatoes thanks to the LED

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According to a search conducted in collaboration with Philips, the illumination LED would mostly favour the production of rich vegetables of vitamin.




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The Québec invents the tomato wine

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A family of Canadian growers has had an original idea: to invent the wine to the tomato. The recipe promises to make soon the turn of the world.




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Cherries, tomatoes and chicken: the 8 foods that people of 40th must not forget

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If a good metabolism is by now only a memory or if, worse, a good metabolism of those "millstone stones" we have never had him, it is to hold well to mind 8 foods to which we can apply for calming the appetite and to improve the levels of cholesterol and blood pressure.




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More dessert and smaller, the super-tomato that makes throat to children

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"Enough some sugar and the pill it goes down and everything will shine more", Mary Poppins hummed. And there is who has picked her in word up




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Tomatoes and auto: Ford and Heinz for the development of materials sustainable

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Tomatoes and auto don't have very in common apparently, but the collaboration between Ford Motor Company and H.J. Heinz Company explores the possibility of this innovative advantage approach of the environment.




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As to take care in the summer with the benefits of the tomato

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In summer is the king of the tables: round and from the sugary taste it is also rich of beneficent ownership for the health. You discover the benefit of the tomato.




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Tomato pill hope for stopping heart disease

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Taking a tomato pill a day could help keep heart disease at bay, say UK scientists who have carried out a small but robust study. The pill contains lycopene, a natural antioxidant that also gives tomatoes their colour. Experts have suspected for some time that lycopene might be good for avoiding illnesses, including certain cancers and cardiovascular disease.




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The Tomatina of Buñol

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The tomatina is a typical party that on last Wednesdays of August are held in the commune of Buñol (province of Valencia). The particularity of this party is that the around 40 thousand participants 125 tons of tomatoes are launched, organizing so a real battle.




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Sicily In Pizza

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Monday 19 of May near the restaurant Convivio of Modica is developed the contest for the provincial selection "Sicily in Pizza" where some pizzaioli of the province of Ragusa are challenged.




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The tomato increase to the fertility' of the man

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The nourishing substance of the tomato that he/she confers him the red color can give a push to the fertility of the man. The licopene could increase the sperms number at 70%.




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Tomato for clear skin

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Tomatoes are a staple in every kitchen but hardly will you hear anyone extolling its cosmetic benefits. Whether you want to cure large pores or reduce acne and rashes or sooth a nasty sunburn or simply to revive the glow on dull skin, tomatoes are beneficial in many homemade beauty treatments.,




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The researchers plan the cultivation of tomatoes in the space

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The researchers of the university of Erlangen-Nuremberg want to discover if the tomatoes can also grow in absence of gravity and without the human intervention, according to what is announced in the German website infranken.de.




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Benefits of tomatoes for pregnant women

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The pregnancy is a condition that asks a diet balanced rich in nourishing substances to guarantee to the fetus to correctly develop in the intrauterine period.




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Losing 2 Kg with the Diet of Tomato

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The tomatoes are precious to lose weight because they have few calories, only 19 calories for 100 grams, but also because they are rich of water, vitamins and mineral salts that are you useful to eliminate the liquids in excess.




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Tomato juice provides more vitamin A

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Tomato juices, peach and apple juices are the three most commercial supply of vitamin A, which offers a high antioxidant capacity, and participating in the maintenance and improvement of bone metabolism or visual function.




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Green tomatoes to develop better muscles

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To develop well the muscles and to fight the atrophy, the tomatoes that isn’t yet veered to the red color could be useful.




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TomatoCult: a successful international media

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The meeting of April 11, 2014 in Ragusa, has had a strong impact on the web. They were, in fact, published several articles in Italian and Spanish...




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Tomatocult...and the tomato becomes social

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Welcome to Tomatocult, the blog entirely dedicated to the world of creative and tasty tomato.
The aim of Tomacult is to create a direct channel of communication between producers and consumers by sharing news, gossip and opinions.