Bread with Tomato
Today the Restaurant La Pelejaneta shows us how to prepare bread with tomato
Tomatoes and Artichokes Candied
Today Pablo Bravo prepares a recipe with candied tomatoes and candied artichokes
Melite with anchovies
Today the Hotel School of Almeria opens its doors to prepare us a tasty recipe of Melite with anchovies.
Tomato ice cream
Tomatocult is today at Blue Moon ice cream shop in Donnalucata (Ragusa) and now we’re preparing tomato ice cream.
The Sicilian farmer's ancient meal: bread, cheese and tomato
Massimo Mantarro, chef of Ristorante San Domenico Palace Hotel, prepares for Tomatocult "The Sicilian farmer's ancient meal: bread, cheese and tomato"
Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish
Francesco Patti, chef of Restaurant Coria, prepares for Tomatocult Lasagnetta of fresh pasta with tomato water and raw fish
Sirloin of beef breed modicana grilled on a bed of tomato confit tomperinos
We begin with the tomatoes, as they have a much longer process, we wash them and cut the tomatoes into 4 parts. We remove the seeds and they are standing in a tray with baking paper.
Caprese of tomato tomperinos and burratina
We begin to wash 4-5 tomatoes tomperinos, we do them a slight incision with the knife to facilitate stripping. After performing this, we parboil them for about 30 seconds after which put them into water and ice to maintain the consistency.
Tortelli tomato and mozzarella
Proceeded we Begin to prepare the mixture.
We Put the semolina in a casserole, put the mix in the centre of the eggs, with a drop of oil and a pinch of salt. Once lend the mixture let us put it resting for twenty minutes [...]
Spaghetti to the baked tomato
To beat to raw the tomperinos, to put them in a casserole and ebullition portals.
To slowly filter the all through a cotton cloth. This way doing we will get the water of tomato.
To bring the water of tomato to 80 degrees and to put you in infusion, the leaves of basil and the seeds middle pod of vanilla [...]
Bacchus seeds candied and stuffed
To skin the tomato Bacchus with warm water, do to cool for then emptying helping him to it with one digs. To prepare a syrup composed by water and sugar in equal parts and to bring him/it to ebullition.
To prepare the tomatoes previously skinned in a saucepan and to cover them with the syrup immediately deposing the all in the refrigerator for one day [...]
Consistences and tastes of the Tomperinos
Vincenzo Candiano, chef of Locanda Serafino, presents a unique dish consists of foam celery, bloody Mary, faked tomato, caponatina, pudding and cipollata.
Bacco cocktail with mediterranean crawfish and fresh basil
Wash the tomatoes, cut across and is in avapore or in hot water for 2 minutes. Stripping, open the two, removing the seeds and it just takes you cut the flesh into strips before and after squares. The prawns are cleaned and cut into three parts, you take the basil and slice it into thin strips.